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St. George's School

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Anniversary reunion of alumni who graduated in the years ending in 4 and 9

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Five-year periods 2024

With great enthusiasm we concluded the anniversary reunion that was one of the most successful in the history of SGS. The alumni of the classes of the years ending 4 and 9 gathered to celebrate the anniversary of their graduation. During this special day, they remembered teachers and anecdotes, enjoyed a delicious lunch and toured the school premises to see the changes and, above all, to once again share their experiences.

We sincerely thank all who attended and made this day so memorable. We hope that they will continue to strengthen the bonds of friendship forged at school and build the SGS alumni community. We also extend a cordial invitation to stay informed of all alumni news on our official Facebook page and Instagram @AEXSGSOFICIAL.

Finally, we thank all the people involved who made this event possible!

We hope that this type of event continues to grow and gain more and more acceptance among the alumni and keep the spirit of the School alive. Below, we share some of the moments:

Five-year periods 2024