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St. George's School considers that the involvement of the whole Community is vital in the development, strengthening of the links and relationships with each other.
It has always been our policy to consolidate our community by including pupils, families, staff and employees in our vision and the establishing of fundamental values in order to make a better society.
Since 2022, we have had 60 classes that have graduated representing more than 3,000 pupils and their families. Likewise, for 20 years we have maintained approximately the same number of pupils, that is 1,300 to 1,400 pupils per year. We also have 110 teachers, 50 people in Administration and Welfare and about 150 people in Support Staff, General Services, Food Service, Transportation, Maintenance and Security.
We have a number of associations, one of which is the School Alumni Association that engages in various activities with other schools, such as sport championships and conferences.
We have a close relationship with the Parents' Association that carries out different activities and projects for the benefit of the School Community.
There is also a Community Management that together with the Communications and Marketing teams, hold events such as the bazaar and special celebrations, in which our alumni play leading roles.
We have a group of more than 30 alumni who are part of the staff and Senior Management. Several of the children of our alumni are currently or have been pupils. The School also has children of a third generation of alumni.
The Employees' Fund facilitates terms for savings, loans, agreements and access to services for both employees and other members of the community, such as the sale of uniforms, school books and equipment.
Through the SGS Network of Entrepreneurs, pupils can offer products and services to each other; some of which are School suppliers.
St. George's School is delighted to have such an integrated community representing us in so many parts of the world in such a wonderful way. The award the School received in 2020 ' A GREAT PLACE TO STUDY' is largely due to the feedback we receive from different representatives of the SGS community.