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Girls In The Chapel Garden

Welcome to St George's School

Saint George's School is a British bilingual, co-educational school founded in 1958. We provide a liberal education that instils in our pupil's a work ethic, self discipline and a strive for excellence in all fields. The School aims to form the future leaders of our country. We nurture a sense of social awareness and solidarity with the less favoured in our society, as a solution to the social problems of this country. 

Words from the Headmaster

  'We believe our work is to offer our pupils an education that a citizen of the 21st Century will need for a successful future life: academic, social, artistic, sport and musical excellence, with personal and spiritual values. We provide state-of- the -art facilities, in a healthy environment that respects all the forms of life on our little planet.' 

Jaime Acosta Allen-Headmaster

Our Principles: