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Since the beginning of the Associations, the School has encouraged the practice of sports for a healthy integration among schools. In Uncoli since 1980 and with Asocoldep since 1997, we have maintained the programming of championships in the different sports categories for both girls and boys.
We have participated in soccer, basketball, volleyball and chess championships. We are currently strengthening the practice of athletics.

The sporting achievements of our pupils are due to:

- The commitment they make to their team and the perseverance they put into a practice that they enjoy and carry out voluntarily in their free time.

- The School provides adequate areas for practice and professional sports coaching, as well as the necessary resources for the pupils to enjoy these activities; in the knowledge that they are be taken home safely afterwards.

- Parent support that is important to motivate pupils to continue their sporting activities.

Girl playing chess
Young people playing chess

SGS Sports Champions History
