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The house system is a traditional feature of British Schools. In honour of our Colombian tradition our Houses are:





 Pupils can cultivate their creativity, teamwork and public presentation skills.

"Tairona, Quimbaya, Sinú and Muisca have become our second families. We act, dance, sing and recite together, but above all we laugh and cry. Together, as a wonderful group, we learn to lose and to win, to celebrate and to be humble, to respect and to persevere. We will never forget all the hours of preparation for each of the competitions we have had, nor the way our hearts stop beating while Mr. Jimmy takes the stage and announces the results. We would like to welcome all the first-year pupils to their respective Houses, and invite them to enjoy all these moments that the School gives us. Because time flies, and when they least expect it, it could be the last competition of their life at school". Juan Diego Rodríguez, Grade 11 pupil.  

The Houses encompass pupils and teachers from 1st Primary to Grade 11. During the year there are competitions of:

  • Poetry 
  • Theatre 
  • Dancing
  • Sports

At the end of each year, the House that has accumulated the highest score in the competitions becomes the Champion and receives an award at the graduation ceremony.


The Houses are a forum for artistic expression and a means through which pupils can express their talents,

Spanish and Literature

 By means of this curriculum project, we aim to stimulate and optimise pupils' communication skills and abilities in different literary modalities and genres. We identify the unpublished works that have the highest quality and are the most creative; selected with the assistance of external juries, along two lines: one creative/expressive and the other academic/formal: 

Narrative : Illustrated short story Grade 2 

Narrative : Comic Grade 3 

Narrative : Grade 6, 8, 10 & 11 short stories 

Lyric Poetry: Recited Poetry, 4th primary

Lyric Poetry: Poetry, Grade 5,7 & 9 

Drama: Theatre, Grade 5, 7, & 9 

Drama: Improvisation or Short Film, Grade 11 

Argumentative Essay:  5th primary to Grade 11 

Public speaking: Grade 6, 8 & 10 



Two-dimensional art (drawing and painting)

Three-dimensional art

From 5th primary


 Prizes are awarded in two categories: Classical and Popular, the prizes are divided by categories: Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 

 Classical Music: prizes are awarded to the best instrumental soloist for strings, wind and best group. In Popular music , prizes are awarded for: best musical composition and lyrics, best band, best instrumentalist, best vocalist and best drummer; from 5th Primary onwards.