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teacher of Robotics

Hybrid education, known as "Blended Learning", is the new teaching model based on information and communication technologies. It is a combination of traditional face-to-face teaching and new flexible educational models, adapted to a new generation and to technological development.

This model was already being implemented in the School, in some subjects as ' a flipped classroom'. It is based on "inverting" or "turning around" the traditional education. Here the pupil learns autonomously at home through reading, videos and exercises, and applying knowledge to projects carried out under the supervision of the teacher. However, with the arrival of the pandemic, the Academic Continuity Plan had to be implemented which was carefully structured so that all pupils, according to their level, could continue with their education. It also allowed us to continue functioning and to meet the objectives of the programmes.  

Blended learning

Thanks to our virtual platforms such as Microsoft's Office 365 Suite, Moodle- Virtual Classroom Platform, among others, the teachers had the tools to restructure their classes and create new methods of teaching. With the use of videos and other digital tools they were able to motivate pupils and take the learning process to another level in the different subjects.  

We have been able to apply different technological solutions that have allowed pupils at home to continue with their education alongside those that attend classes in school. In this case an alternating hybrid mode. 

As is our duty, we will continue to innovate and create different strategies that allow us to continue with our educational mission, mainly safeguarding the welfare of students, parents and collaborators of the institution.